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Welcome to the Harper & Fox Creative blog! Here is where I share the things that inspire me and keep me creatively charged. Enjoy!


Anne-Marie Onn

Hi! And welcome to the first blog post of Harper & Fox Creative. My name is Anne and I am the founder and creative well as the plant-waterer, studio-cat-feeder, and coffee-brewer. Harper & Fox is a busy little creative shop, but I'd love to take some time every now and then to share some of the things that inspire us as we chug away on projects.

Today I'd love to share one of my favourite hard, stay humble. I had spent years working in several large advertising agencies before starting h&f, so I've seen my share of overinflated egos. In my experience, the larger the ego, the more difficult they were to work with, and the less open they were to new and interesting ideas. They also tended to rest on their past accomplishments instead of forging new ones. So I made a vow early on in my career to never become one of "those". I love to collaborate and explore new creative territory...and I am always open to new ideas...especially when they come from the least likely of places.