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The work on Infiniti has been on the Loyalty Marketing side, driving retention for after sales parts and service. All of the Infiniti work is data-driven from a strong analytics team. Before creative is started on the larger campaigns, a strategy is created based on the seasonal mindset of the driver for that time period. All of the projects, whether it be a microsite, mobile app, seasonal campaign, a CRM piece, or a large promotional event, are targeted to a specific segment (ie. new owner, retained, recapture, at risk, lessee, etc). This requires each piece to be designed with numerous areas for variable content, including offers specifically selected for each segment. This makes the Infiniti work almost as technical as it is creative.

Infiniti Digital CRM

Once we get a customer's info into the Infiniti database, we start communicating with them right away. I helped create this digital CRM program that serves up information relative to that reader, whether they are a prospect, an owner looking for maintenance schedules, or a lessee looking for info on the latest and greatest from Infiniti.

2015 Infiniti Owner Appreciation Event

The Owner Appreciation Event is Infiniti's largest promotion of the year. It is a fully integrated campaign with consumer touch points that span DM, email, social, POP, dealer events, and a microsite. This promotion runs in both the U.S. and Canadian markets.

Infiniti Owner Appreciation Event 2015

2014 Infiniti Owner Appreciation Event

The 2014 Infiniti Owner Appreciation Event was a fully integrated campaign with consumer touch points that spanned DM, email, social, POP, dealer events, and a microsite. This promotion runs in both the U.S. and Canadian markets.

Infiniti Owner Appreciation Event 2014

Direct Mail

The direct mail and email campaigns are designed with numerous areas for variable content, including offers specifically selected for each segment (ie. new owner, retained, recapture, at risk, lessee, etc).

Counter Stand Take-One

The take-one is a quick way to let customers know about the event when they come in for service. It lists the prizes and gives quick instructions of how to enter online. This take-one stand was multi-dimensional with the grand prize car in the forefront.