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Lazy Daisy's Café

Lazy Daisy's Café was a start-up when I first started working with them in 2011. The owner wanted the café to be a rustic-chic neighbourhood destination offering fresh, seasonal food from local farms. She had a name in mind, and knew that she wanted a cow in the logo. The rest was a blank slate. Being a start-up, I needed to create everything from scratch...signage, menus, cups, packaging, banners, t-shirts, etc. The brand's personality is casual, welcoming, and über fun.


Café Sign & Sidewalk Board

For the store sign, the logo was recreated in 3D and added to a wood plank background for a rustic feel. I also thought it would be fun to have a chalkboard street sign to catch people's attention.

Cups to go...or stay

If you are taking your coffee to go, I wanted the cup to have the café's name so it could be a portable billboard.
If you're staying in for coffee, Daisy happily smiles at you while you sip.

Table Toppers

I thought it would be fun to use little table toppers to help promote events at the café, new products, or just to offer up cute messages in the brand voice.

Coffee Beans To-Go

Lazy Daisy's wanted to offer their signature coffee beans to-go. I wanted the bag to keep with the rustic feel of the brand and
went with a natural craft paper stock and a rivet closure. I added a daisy pattern to the sides to reinforce the branding.

Fun Extras

Taking food to-go? I found a way to to dress up simple brown paper bags with a scalloped edge and fun branded tags.
For the tea bags, I added Daisy and fun names that match the café's theme, plus a cute cow pattern to the tag.

Little Moo T-shirts

The café owner wanted to sell t-shirts with Daisy on them. She thought it would be fun to do a front and back view. The t-shirts come in a variety of colours and sizes.