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Lemon Squeezy

A client had developed a new idea for lemonade....a fresh, all-natural, never frozen, lemonade concentrate. This concentrate can be used to make lemonade by the glass or by the pitcher. The client needed a fun name for their new product. After some initial brainstorming we suggested the name Lemon Squeezy. It was a playful name that worked on a few levels...not only is it "easy peezy" to make delicious lemonade with this new product, but you also need to squeeze the lemonade concentrate out of the pouch. We could really see the phrase "easy peezy Lemon Squeezy" being fun to use in marketing materials.  Design-wise, we wanted the design to be bold, graphic, and eye-catching so we used touches of black for contrast against the bright colours. Currently we are working on a recipe book which features a selection of über cool entertaining ideas.